Our Work


Our Mission

Smile On Me is here to adequately prepare girls for puberty and foster an inclusive environment that encourages authenticity and self-discovery.


How We Do It


We provide girls in under-resourced communities with hygiene products.

According to research published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, an unexpectedly large number of girls report feeling ill-prepared for menstruation and changes occurring in their bodies. In fact, girls from low-income communities in the U.S. are not only ill-prepared for puberty, but have largely negative experiences of this transition—they feel they lack the information and readiness to cope with the onset of menstruation. This lack of knowledge and preparedness suggests that more steps need to be taken to educate girls on the process of puberty and how to manage the changes taking place in their bodies. And that’s where we come in!  

Did you know nearly 30% of teens in New York City live in poverty?  The cost of feminine hygiene products can be as high as $100 annually and competes with other basic necessities like toilet paper, food, and lodging. By providing girls with these necessary hygiene products, we are not only adequately preparing them for puberty, but are giving girls the opportunity to build a healthy foundation for sexual and reproductive health. These robust interventions to support low-income girls will shape the quality of their puberty experiences and their relationship with their bodies. 

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10,000 products and counting!

Since 2017, we’ve provided more than 10,000 hygiene products to girls throughout New York City!


We celebrate girls and awaken them to their inner greatness.

We know that low self-esteem, poor body image, and unrealistic expectations decrease when girls are part of healthy environments in which they are valued and heard. In addition, healthy environments that allow peer-to-peer interaction can be a positive way to encourage girls to embrace their strengths and celebrate their differences.

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Through our Premium Programs like Homeroom and Tiny Talks, girls are given the opportunity to develop their strengths with an acute sense of self-awareness and make wise choices as they navigate the unique pressures of girlhood. Overall, we want girls to internalize the idea that they are making a meaningful contribution to the Smile On Me community.


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